performomat 2// scent#2: where is my when
performomat is a research machine producing instant performances in durational group setting.
performomat is testing new scores as well as new forms of collaboration and of meeting the audience.
sessions are partially open to the audience
performance: anja weber, dodi helschinger, jagna anderson
the session explores body-mind states inspired by olfactory perception within the frame of a time-score. while playing with simultaneous or overlapping phrasing of sound, movement and stillness
the performers examine the subtle reticulations of time and space, and question the possible role that the limbic and subcortical processing of sensory data may play in this process.
open for limited number of passive participants – if you are interested to witness the performance process, write us a short message –
– team (at)
saturday, 13 august 2016
doors opens at 7pm
suggested donation 5€
photo above: jagna
performomat 1// silence#1: scent
concept/facilitation/direction: jagna anderson
performance: anja weber, anna weißenfels, delphine robet, dodi helschinger, maria ferrara, maya raghavan, naima ferré
silence scores are exploring spaces created by minimalist interactions in durational setting. they require a high bodily intensity to perform at low volume level. every score is addressing some
realms of somatic or sensory experience. "Scent" gives special attention to the olfactory system in order to inform performative actions.
open for limited number of passive participants – if you are interested to witness the performance process, write us a message –
30 july 2016
doors opens at 8pm
entrance free, but we are happy about a donation
suggested donation 5€ or more